Born in Teheran in 1985, from a well-known noble family, Kavian Ghassemy-Amjady is a passionate German-Persian designer and artistic director residing in Paris since 2008. He holds a University degree from Esmod International Art & Fashion University Paris, specializing in Fashion Design and haute couture Costumes. Kavian gained significant experience in Design.Product development and Marketing within several Maisons de Couture in Paris and his own Brand Kavian Paris that he started in 2012.
Innovation and futuristic Kavian embodies contradictions at the core of his glamorous, yet well-structurized creations. His design has the “parfum of Fany magnesium”, pursuing the glitter pureness in lines.
Breaking definitions and creating outstanding structures, Kavian follows his inspirational evolution through various influential platforms of life inspired by the distinctive lady that was his grandmother and his mother, the silk road from Teheran and the oriental-Persian culture plays an uncompromised element of imagination and creativity in the artist‘s mind. Altogether with a German School education and a fresh family esprit, Kavian reveals fascinating mix in his work and personality, carrying with a various resonance.